Donate to Make A Difference
Providing all the boats, their upkeep, and fuel for the programs highlighted in these pages costs money. There is no other way to say it and there's no reason to soft-shoe around it, it's fact. The money you give, and the money we receive from our paid programs, goes straight to the assets and operational cost of the boats so they are always up-to-date and are safe, so we may in turn offer these experiences to those who need help affording them. Providing our experiences to all in a safe environment is why we ask for your help.
We Are Making a Difference
The Scouts shown in the photo to the right exemplify the changes we are capable of making in others' lives. None of these kids (at the time...) knew anything about boating at the time they joined our Sea Scout Ship but they were all eager to learn. Here they are, a mere sixteen (+/-) months after joining one of our programs helping the yacht club run Race Committee, using their knowledge to help square the course to the wind, run the timer on the starting sequence, and more. From this date, the two ladies continued with their academics and have successfully launched their lives. The young gentleman, finished high school and enlisted in the U.S. Navy and is currently a Logistics Specialist. We can't say for sure, but we are fairly certain that some of what we taught them helped them on their paths.
These three illustrate the power of our programs, and with your support, we will continue to do our jobs.
If you would like to come visit us at Lake Pleasant prior to donating, please feel free to contact us at any time.